WasteNot Compost: Program Successes in Chicagoland

WasteNot Compost, a Platinum Sustaining Member of the IFSCC, is a leading compost collection service in the Chicagoland area, offering both residential and commercial compost services utilizing a 100% electric fleet of waste management vehicles. Through innovative,...

UIC: Leaders in Moving us Towards a More Sustainable Region

University of Illinois Chicago (UIC), IFSCC Member Organization and We Compost Silver Partner, currently collects food waste for composting at 5 locations on campus (Student Center East; Student Center West; UI Health Hospital; Isadore & Sadie Dorin Forum; and the...

UIC Pilots Front-of-House Composting with Student Support

By Liz Bosarge, IFSC Board Member Every year, UIC offers a sustainability class, US 390, which offers undergraduate students a framework to apply classroom learning to project-based engagement. This past spring, UIC’s Sustainability Office hosted interns Fern and Sean...

SWALCO & Collaborators “Dig In” with first actions steps of a Pilot Project to Promote Compost Use and Divert Food Scraps

By Merleanne Rampale, SWALCO In August, 2020, SWALCO (Solid Waste Agency of Lake County, Illinois) was awarded a Community Compost and Food Waste Reduction pilot project grant from the USDA and NRCS. The primary goal of the grant is to assist local government with...

2020 Community Pumpkin Composting Efforts a Smashing Success despite Pandemic

As highlighted in a previous post, following Halloween each year, several communities in Illinois host pumpkin collection events to ensure holiday decorations are composted rather than being sent to landfill. Collectively these events are known as the Pumpkin Smash...