Compost 101

Learn from our partners and members.  Find resources about how to start food scrap composting, where to get finished compost and more!

Food Scrap Composting

COMPOSTING is nature’s way of recycling. Composting converts organic materials, including food scraps (like fruits and vegetables) and yard waste trimmings (like leaves, grass and small tree branches) into a dark, earthy-smelling soil conditioner, thereby preserving valuable nutrient-rich organic resources.

COMMERCIAL COMPOSTING is when all food scraps, unlined paper, and certified compostable products are placed in a single container.  A hauler picks up the waste and delivers it to a composting facility. After six to nine months, the material has been recycled into compost that is put to good use in landscaping and road construction projects.

FINISHED COMPOST is an organic-rich soil amendment that is used to improve soils, prevent soil erosion and runoff, and capture carbon dioxide for climate protection.

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