The Illinois Food Scrap & Composting Coalition (IFSCC) is a thriving not-for-profit organization advancing diversion and composting of all organics in Illinois through advocacy, program implementation, market and business development, policy, and outreach.
We envision a future where all Illinoisans see organic materials as valuable resources and urgently take action to rescue edible food and divert food scraps to avoid emissions, and to restore nutrients to the soil through the creation and use of compost.
Board of Directors
2024 -2025 Board Members

Benjamin Krumstok, Composting Partners-Executive Director
Amy Bartucci, Administrator
Elizabeth Bosarge, University of Illinois Chicago, IFSCC Secretary
Josh Connell, Lakeshore Recycling Systems
Mike DiMucci, Garden Prairie Organics
Lisa Disbrow, WM
Liam Donnelly, WasteNot Compost
Jen (Nelson) Dowd, Seven Generations Ahead
Kila Harwick, Green Soils Management
Erlene Howard, Collective Resource Compost, IFSCC Treasurer
Stephanie Katsaros, Bright Beat
Liz Kunkle, Go Green Winnetka
Spencer LaBelle, SCS Engineers
John Lardner, JPL Environmental Engineering, IFSCC Chair
Kay McKeen, SCARCE
Charlie Murphy, Midwest Compost, IFSCC Vice Chair
Merleanne Rampale, SWALCO
Committees + Groups
Consider joining IFSCC partners & members on an active committee to support initiatives, improve services and expand marketability of finished compost.
Joining a committee is an opportunity to build relationships in your sector of interest and move the marker on food scrap diversion across the state while simultaneously strengthening your connection to the overall composting industry in Illinois.
NEW! The Young Professionals Group of the IFSCC is to connect young people to each other in the composting industry while furthering the success of the Illinois Food Scrap & Composting Coalition. Each young professional will be assigned to a committee to take notes, listen in, report back to the general young professional group and then collaborate on projects in need of leadership. If you’re between 21-35 years old or have less than five years of experience, and looking to break into the compost industry, this group is for you! Fill out an Interest Form HERE.
COLLABORATION SPOTLIGHT – Wasted Food Action Alliance
The Wasted Food Action Alliance (WFAA) aims to develop a working strategy and action platform that makes Illinois a leader in reducing wasted food through collaboration, education, and policy.
IFSCC members drive the strategic direction and facilitation of the group.