The Education Committee works on specific projects designed to educate stakeholders about food scrap composting policies, best practices and programs and make recommendations for priority strategies and policies that will achieve the goal of advancing food scrap composting across Illinois.


  • Educating stakeholders and the general public about food scrap composting and diversion initiatives, success stories and resources.
  • Developing educational infographics, reports, webinars, presentations, blogs and videos.
  • Identifying opportunities for sharing resources with other organizations.

Committee Co-Chairs

Natasha Nicholes, Executive Director/Founder, We Sow We Grow
Jen Nelson, Seven Generations Ahead


Second Tuesday of each month @12:00 – 1:00 pm, via Zoom.

If you are interested in joining this committee, please email and contact the Co-Chairs:

Natasha Nicholes 

Jen Nelson