Building a robust food scrap recycling industry in illinois

The Illinois Food Scrap & Composting Coalition (IFSCC) is a thriving non-profit organization advancing diversion and composting of all organics in Illinois through advocacy, program implementation, market and business development, policy, and outreach.

Upcoming Events

Speaker Spotlight: Monday March 3,  Noon

Learn about our diverse lineup of activities happening May 4 – 10, 2025 with the international compost community, United States Composting Council (USCC) and its Compost Research and Education Foundation (CREF). Sustainable Communities Begin with Compost! will highlight Adventures in Composting, a Legislative Lunch & Learn, Compost Café and more to raise collective enthusiasm for soil health, compost and sustainable communities throughout Illinois.

Composting Pick-Up Services

Find haulers to pick up your food scraps

Buy Compost

Learn where to buy this healthy soil amendment

Composting Facilities

Explore an interactive map of compost sites

Restaurant + Municipality Toolkits

Learn how to start a compost program

 Composting Policy

IFSCC supports policies that advance diversion and composting of all organics in Illinois. Click below to see a list of introduced, enacted or pending legislation relating to the diversion and/or composting of food scraps and all organics in our state. Also, please take a look at the US Composting Council’s annual policy report.

Request IFSCC Resources


Read about IFSCC member events, accomplishments, programs, services and opportunities.

When municipalities say “yes” to food scrap hauling services

Silver Sustaining Member Collective Resource Compost Cooperative is increasing residential access to food scrap drop-off sites in Chicagoland. Learn about how to build similar model programs and develop collaborative relationships with your municipality in this guest...

Illinois Food Scrap & Composting Coalition Supporting Members


Platinum Members ($2,000+)

Gold Members ($1,000)

Silver Members ($500)

Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County is a Silver Sustaining Parnter