Contamination is one of the biggest challenges in composting and Eco-Products found solutions in collaboration.

Using a customized CIRC (Controls Intended to Remove Contamination) spreadsheet as a guideline, IFSCC Platinum Sponsor Eco-Products, set out to re-launch an Illinois compost program in 2024. They worked with composter Better Earth Logistics, to ensure that best practices were in place at IFSCC Organization Member Knox College, so that everyone could feel confident and willing to reinstate collection services. Watch this inspiring short video with their story HERE.

During the process it was found that the main issues were centered around procurement, education and signage.

To address these issues:

  • Knox College requested that the dining staff purchase a full suite of Eco-Products items
    including clamshells, hot cups, cold cups, plates and began purchasing them directly
    through Better Earth Logistics.
  • Three bin systems were ordered and deployed around Knox College’s campus and Eco-Products created a
    “how to sort” video which is played on loop in the cafeteria for students and staff.
  • Custom bin signage was created for the Knox College cafeteria and events.

What is CIRC?

CIRC (Controls Intended to Remove Contamination) is a scalable, “generator-focused” (think restaurants, stadiums, venues, etc.) contamination mitigation program launched by Eco-Products. It is not a third-party certification, but rather a collection of free, open-source resources to improve composting systems. In other words, you don’t need to be an Eco-Products customer to use or benefit from the program.


The core resource in the CIRC toolkit is a menu of recommended contamination controls spanning procurement, operations, communication, and composter and hauler engagement that Eco-Products calls “the scorecard.” Each section has a list of controls that have been identified by stakeholders from across the organics diversion value chain as useful in contamination mitigation efforts. The idea is that each generator will identify a list of controls that make the most sense for their business, and that list will be reviewed and agreed upon by their distribution and other procurement partners, key internal staff, and the haulers and composters who will collect and process the material. If those controls can be implemented successfully and consistently, the result should be cleaner compost streams and an increased likelihood that access to composting for food scraps and packaging will be a viable option over the long term.

Learn more about CIRC and download the scorecard at