Look for the list of municipalities that compost in the Resources section of the IFSC website.
If you’re wondering whether or not your municipality offers curbside commercial compost collection service for residents, or are interested in how much such a service might cost, you can find a list of “Municipalities that Compost” under “Resources” on the IFSC website.
Services vary in type and fee structure. Note that this page provides a quick snapshot of municipalities offering residential composting services, their cost of service, and whether the service is available year-round or seasonally. For the most up-to-date information, click on a municipality name to visit their website, or contact the phone number listed.
You can also find more detailed information, such as a list of acceptable items, at https://illinoiscomposts.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Residential-Food-Scrap-Composting-Appendix-A-3.pdf. This is an appendix from “Residential Food Scrap Composting: A Guide for Illinois Municipalities,” developed by Seven Generations Ahead, with funding from Food:Land:Opportunity, a collaboration between Kinship Foundation and The Chicago Community Trust and funded through the Searle Funds at The Chicago Community Trust. The guide is a resource for local officials and community leaders interested in establishing services in their area. It provides descriptions of residential composting program types, Illinois case studies of such programs, answers to questions about food scrap composting, and additional local, regional, and national resources.
This guide, the snapshot of “Municipalities that Compost,” and various other tools and resources for local government officials are available on the “Composting for State, County and Municipal Officials” webpage (also within the “Resources” section of the website). Again, while these resources are geared toward local government representatives, they might also be useful for groups and citizens interested in helping to establish services within their community.
And remember that municipalities are eligible for recognition as part of the We Compost program! A list of the Illinois communities that are composting food scraps is also available in that section of the site. See https://illinoiscomposts.org/we-compost/ for more information on the We Compost recognition program. Participation/application for recognition is free.