A letter from Merleanne Rampale, IFSCC’s 2024 ICAW Planning Team Chair:

I wanted to reach out to thank you everyone again for being a part of the Illinois celebration and helping with our nearly 60 live Adventures in Composting and IFSCC’s two virtual programs. It was quite an endeavor and something to truly celebrate… you were part of it all.

It was especially fun to celebrate this year knowing that Illinois was the official kick-off and featured location for the entire global effort. Jen Nelson prepared a lovely compilation video again this year HERE.

You can access a recording of the May 8 Legislative Lunch & Learn HERE.

The May 9 Stories & Songs @ the Compost Café recording is HERE.

It was a pleasure to see all of the amazing things that took place this year – and though I would have truly loved to have visited all of our Adventures in Composting and Other Happenings this year, there was no way I could have within the time frame and expanded partnerships throughout Illinois.

Let’s grow these efforts and I hope more folks will participate with IFSCC next year. I plan to begin convening the team in October to plan for 2025’s celebration and event line-up. And to those of you who were part of the small (but mighty) ICAW team, THANK YOU for your time, enthusiasm, and talent.

The messages surrounding ICAW every year are important to share in every community and around the world. These serious and critical issues include waste diversion, food waste and prevention, hunger, soil health, healthy foods, conservation, climate, and planet care.

IFSCC remains committed to educating people and spreading the good word about compost in a variety of fun, educational, unique, and creative ways. Collectively this can have a huge impact on the challenges that we all face today.  We’re doing this together!

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing’s going to get better. It’s not.” –Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

Thank YOU for caring.

P.S. If you are interested in printing the images (left) for 11X17 wall hangings, please contact me at MRampale@swalco.org. See https://illinoiscomposts.org/icaw-2024/ to view larger versions.


All the Best,
Merleanne Rampale, ICAW Chair, IFSCC Board Member, and SWALCO Outreach & Education Director