The IFSCC can’t waste this opportunity to tell you about another compost facility tour!
On October 2, we proudly coordinated a tour to see composting in action at Patriot Acres’ Des Plaines facility, which opened in 2023. Special thanks to IFSCC Member and Board Chair, John Lardner, and his partners, Drew and Todd Daniels, for hosting this tour and all their work to advance the composting industry in Illinois.
Thanks also to our friends and members who joined us on this tour – including the IEC, Cook County, the City of Chicago Streets and Sanitation Department, Whole Earth Compost, WasteNot Compost, Collective Resource Compost Cooperative, Green Era Chicago, SCS Engineers, SWANCC, SWALCO, and others.
Plus, special shout and and gratitude to Senate Leader Laura Murphy and her staff, Representative Michelle Mussman and her staff, and Representative Bob Morgan and his staff for supporting, joining, and wanting to learn more.
Tours like this show first-hand how organics diversion and composting improve human and environmental health in Illinois while reducing methane emissions and waste and creating a more circular and equitable economy for all.
Hope to see you at the next one and happy composting in the meantime!