Did you know? Anyone who is a member of the IFSC LinkedIn Group can start a conversation—simply sign in to LinkedIn, navigate to the group’s page (https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8365760/) and click on “Start a conversation with this group” at the top of the page. IFSC encourages group members to take advantage of this opportunity to network with other composting professionals and advocates.

You’re welcome to share relevant resources (e.g. links to articles, videos, etc.) so long as they are in line with IFSC’s Social Media Guidelines and Policies. However, we hope our community members will engage in genuine conversations, so feel free to post a question or respond to another’s question or post. Some examples of relevant questions might include:

  • “Does anyone have case studies of the use of food scrap amended compost at an institution or by a government agency which they’d like to share?”
  • “Our local government is interested in starting a curbside food scrap collection service. What are the challenges your curbside program has faced and how have you dealt with them?”
  • “Our community garden would like to sell finished compost to help pay for operational expenses. What steps should we take and which regulations might apply?”

If you’re active on LinkedIn but are not yet a member of the IFSC group, go to the group page and click on “Request to Join” at the top of the page. The group manager will receive a notice to review your request. Most requests will be approved, but we reserve the right to reject requests if it seems an individual may primarily be interested in advertising goods or services. Thus, you may receive a message asking for clarification of your interest before approval.

You cannot be automatically added to the LinkedIn group, and thus are not automatically added when you become a member of IFSC—you must request to join or be invited by another member of the group to whom you are connected on LinkedIn. With that in mind, if you are already a member of the LinkedIn group, feel free to invite your relevant connections to join. If you join our LinkedIn group and are not already a member of IFSC, we hope you’ll consider becoming one!

Questions can be addressed to Joy Scrogum, IFSC social media and website committee chair. We look forward to interacting with you!