ICYMI, check out the 2021 IFSC Strategic Plan, available at https://illinoiscomposts.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/IFSC-Strategic-Plan-2021.pdf.
IFSC members met virtually in January 2021 to review progress, and to discuss goals to retain or add to our efforts this year. Feedback received during that meeting was used to revise the strategic plan, which was approved by the Board of Directors at their February meeting.
The strategic plan is updated annually, and always evolving to guide our board and committees in pursuit of the IFSC mission of advancing diversion and composting of organics in Illinois through advocacy, program implementation, market and business development, policy, and outreach. Goals and objectives for the coming year are grouped into categories of Advocacy, Diversion, Market Development, and Engagement, with responsible committees indicated.
Lists of committees and current Board of Directors members are available at https://illinoiscomposts.org/about-2/. You may click on any of the committee names to go to a page dedicated to that committee, with contact information for the committee chair(s). IFSC members interested in becoming involved in a committee should contact the committee chair. If you’re not yet a member of IFSC and would like to become involved after reading through our strategic plan, or if you’re already involved and would like to renew your membership, visit https://illinoiscomposts.org/membership/. Advancing diversion and composting in our state is a collective effort–we value your creativity and contributions!