IFSC is grateful to Seven Generations Ahead (SGA) for being a Platinum level Sustaining Partner. Contributions from Sustaining Partners help further the impact of IFSC’s efforts to support and grow composting infrastructure in Illinois. Take a moment to learn more about SGA.

Seven Generations Ahead logo, consisting of the words in green font, with a large S to their left. The top tip of the S ends in three branching leaves.

Seven Generations Ahead (SGA) is a non profit based in Illinois that is committed to building healthy and sustainable communities by driving environmental solutions through planning, implementation, education, network development, and consulting. One issue SGA is dedicated to is managing resources sustainably, including diverting organics from landfills to mitigate harmful greenhouse gases, protect water quality and nourish our soil. SGA encourages partnership and collaboration by creating networks to problem solve and share best practices.

The Illinois Food Scrap Coalition is an example of how collaboration brings people to the table to drive food scrap composting infrastructure and policy in Illinois. SGA has been at the table since IFSC started and works to find funding for projects to support the mission and goals of the coalition.

Food-land-opportunity logo

Additional collaboration can be found around the table of the Illinois Wasted Food Solutions Task Force. SGA and many other IFSC members were a part of starting this task force to support collaboration around food recovery programs that capture uneaten food for those in need and those doing food scrap composting to produce nutrient-rich soil. Aligning values in sustainability and reducing food waste make lasting, mutually beneficial partnerships that drive impactful programs and solutions.

Image of multiple children in a classroom being lead through sorting food service wastes into recycling and compost bins.

Zero Waste Schools– Our Zero Waste Schools Program works with school staff and students to shift operations and minds towards generating zero waste through source reduction, recycling, composting, and food recovery. SGA helps schools plan effective waste reduction strategies, provides on-the-ground support for operational changes, educates students and staff about the How and Why of going zero waste, connects schools with local partners and opportunities, and drives policy changes and infrastructure development that promote zero waste. Currently, there are more than 23,000 students in 32 different schools across northern Illinois participating in SGA’s Zero Waste Schools recycling and composting program, which results in more than 2000 lbs of food scraps being composted per day. SGA created a free, electronic Zero Waste Schools Toolkit full of educational activities to educate students on the importance of waste diversion. Getting children involved and interested in waste diversion is key to a successful program that normalizes zero waste and encourages future environmental leaders. SGA also publishes a monthly Zero Waste Schools e-newsletter. Check out the November 2018 Zero Waste Schools Newsletter now.

K-12 School Food Waste Reduction Toolkit Development – SGA is leading the work of a committee of the Illinois Wasted Food Solutions Task Force to develop a statewide toolkit addressing food waste in K-12 schools. This toolkit will provide information on preventing food waste, recovering and donating food, and food scrap composting. Join our working group, share case studies of success, or stay tuned for this toolkit which is projected to be published in August 2019.

Four people standing together, smiling at camera.

SGA Supports Institution Composting – Seven Generations Ahead provides technical assistance for zero waste institutions, working to reduce waste, recycle and compost. Contact zerowaste@sevengenerationsahead.org for more information on how SGA can help your institution.