Partnership Benefits
Partnership has Added Benefits
Our SUSTAINING PARTNERS are businesses, haulers, composting (including aerobic and anaerobic digestion) facilities, educational institutions, and communities that directly benefit from the work that IFSC is doing to support and grow infrastructure in the state.
Your support in the form of a higher level annual contribution will not only further the impact of this group’s initiatives and therefore your related work, but also provide valuable exposure for your organization and its message.
Thank you for joining your fellow industry leaders in selecting the partnership level and benefit package that suits you best.
Benefits of IFSC Partnership
- IFSC membership (including all benefits of general membership) for up to 3 people from your organization (All – Platinum, Gold, and Silver levels)
- Logo and website link on IFSC website (All – Platinum, Gold, and Silver levels)
- You will be offered a customized social media campaign and one blog annually (All – Platinum, Gold, and Silver levels)
- Ability to promote your business via discounted services or offers to fellow IFSC members and partners (All – Platinum, Gold, and Silver levels)
- Your logo on the sustaining partners acknowledgement slide during IFSC presentations and events (All – Platinum, Gold, and Silver levels)
- Inclusion of your company’s social media links alongside your logo on IFSC website (Platinum & Gold levels)
- Inclusion in regular member outreach materials, for example logo placement on agenda and newsletter (Platinum & Gold levels)
- Verbal thanks during all IFSC presentations and events (Platinum & Gold)
- Opportunity to present your organization’s involvement with food scrap composting at forums and IFSC events (Platinum Level only)
- Opportunity to be featured in an IFSC newsletter that is distributed to over 600 individuals in the food scrap and composting industry (Platinum Level only)
- Digital IFSC Platinum Sustaining Partner logo for your website (Platinum Level only)
Become A Sustaining Partner Today
• Platinum Level $3,000
• Gold Level $1,000
• Silver Level $500